Wednesday, August 12, 2009

More on Support - this time for the ladies

Here are 7 things every girl should know before having sex, or the resulting kids.
1. Your First Responsibility is to Your Child. No matter how sweet, supportive, loving, cute, etc. the boy is, he will NEVER carry the child 9 months awaiting its arrival.
2. NO form of birth control is 100% effective. The "Virgin Mary" practiced Abstinance and we see how that turned out. (insert laughter here)
3. You are legally responsible for the child, even if you didn't want to have a baby. It doesn't matter that you used birth control, or that you wanted to give the child up for adoption.
4. Child Support includes more than money. It includes emotional support, love, food, shelter, clothing, education, TIME, attention . . . even when you don't feel like it. Even when you are tired, sick, busy . . .
5. A child ties you to the father for life. Not only the 18 years to raise the child, but weddings, funerals, etc. for life.
6. The Father is responsible for child support once the child is born, not matter what your agreements. He is responsible to assist you with medical care before the child is born as well.
7. The Florida Department of Revenue's Child Support Enforcement Program can help. They can: locate noncustodial parents; determine paternity; obtain orders for support through the court system; enforce, collect and distribute support payments to the custodial parent.

An attorney may also assist in these areas. Call me or visit my website at if you have any questions.

Raising a child is difficult under the best circumstances. Do not make it even harder by ignoring real issues or avoiding conflict in an attempt to make someone else happy. Your First Responsibility is to your Child.

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