Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dementia? Alzheimer's Disease? Memory Problems?

Many people ask, "how do I know what is normal aging and what is Alzheimer's Disease (AD) or Dementia?
First, the term Dementia describes a whole group of memory problesm caused by changes in the Human Brain's overall function. Some of the symptoms may be:
1. Asking the same questions repeatedly
2. Getting lost in very familiar surroundings and places
3. Neglecting personal safety and security measures
4. Being disoriented about time, place or people
5. Neglecting personal hygiene and nutrition
6. Being unable to follow simple directions
When these symptoms are noted together, frequently the cause is Dementia.
Dementia itself may be caused by any number of other neurological basis, including Alzheimer's Disease or stroke, but also possibly cause by treatable conditions such as High Fever, Dehydration, reactions to food or medicines, vitamin deficiencies, thyroid problems or a minor head injury.
The real question for caregiver is, "do these symptoms impact daily life?" Many times they indicate a need for an Assisted Living environment or Adult Congregate Living Facility. Other times families may be able to provide all necessary care. In either instance, an attorney can be quite helpful in making arrangements and transitions. Call me if you have further questions. Aubrey Ducker (407) 645-3297

1 comment:

  1. The early stages of Alzheimer's and other causes of dementia can be difficult to spot, but there are some signs that are useful in spotting the disease.

    Dementia specialist


Morning will come.

Morning will come.
No matter how dark the night!