Tuesday, August 18, 2009

How to Be a Good Parent

In court today, Judge Munyon ( Ninth Circuit, Orange County, Domestic) noted that Good Parents are on time to pick up their children. This got me thinking, what other qualities do Good Parents Share?
1. GP's Cooperate for their children. They work together, recognizing that Children need Stability.
2. GP's NEVER Disparage the other Parent. Parents should Never disparage, or allow to be disparaged, the other parent, in the child's presence. Not speaking ill of the other parent is a good idea for avoiding divorce, as well as dealing in and after divorce. Speaking ill of another says more about the speaker than the target.
3. GP's Cooperate With Their Children. Work with your children to show them Why. Why do I have to clean my room? Because I want it clean. Because I said so. Because . . . how about because a clean room helps you get ready in the morning, helps you find your toys when you want to play, helps you be healthier (use a vacuum to show all the dirt and grime that stays on the floor of even a clean room - how much more filth in a messy room). Answering the Why's in life helps children understand the world around them much more than "Just do as you're told" ever helps them get along in life.
4. GP's give their children time, in quality. I hear people say, "its quality not quantity that counts" but I disagree. A Quantity of Quality time makes good parents out of children.
5. GP's provide for their children. Not because a court order says to provide child support, but because good parents provide for their children. So many college graduates tell of parents working two jobs to send them to school. That Schooling and example lead to a life of Working to better deserve the Good Parents.
6. GP's Always let their children know they are Wanted and Loved. Even when the children are bad, don't eat their veggies, don't share their toys, etc. Good Parents know the difference between Loving Children and approving actions. GP's do this by example. GP's treat others the same way they teach their children to treat others. Teaching by Example that Lying is bad, Sharing is Good, Work is Good, Language is important, Doing what you say is more important that saying too much.

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