Thursday, June 6, 2013

Looking for a Lawyer - some pitfalls to avoid

If you need to hire a lawyer, look for someone with legal experience, reasonable personality and responsiveness to your needs.

The law is a popular second career. Don't assume that every middle aged lawyer has been a lawyer for decades. I have more than 14 years of experience as a lawyer, and have several more years reviewing contracts, researching legal issues and working with attorneys, in a variety of practice areas. This gives me the background and perspective to assess your legal needs. Many times, an experienced lawyer can provide a quick and simple solution or strategy, when a new attorney, though less expensive on an hourly basis, may spend several hours finding an answer.

I believe that it's also important that a lawyer understands what the client is going through. There are many good attorneys who have never been a party to litigation of any type. While that's fortunate for them, I don't believe that they appreciate their clients' needs as well as those of us who have - unfortunately -had the need to hire an attorney. Being a client gives attorneys new insight, and greater appreciation, for the stress and fear that a lawsuit or legal problem creates.

One attorney advertises on television, "I'm not here to be your friend, When you want aggressive legal representation, call the _________ Law Firm." I am glad that many of my clients call me "friend" long after the litigation is done. I am blessed by clients who refer their family and friends to my office and continue to consider me their attorney long after the final judgment is entered. Some of my colleagues are not so inclined.

Attorney Sarah C H Phillips says: "Aggressive behaviors run up legal fees, destroy any real chance of cooperation between parents, and leave children as the victims of litigation . . . Unfortunately I do still encounter lawyers who seem to believe that aggressive behaviours are what is expected of them. It's never helpful to have your client crying on the phone because of the latest obnoxious letter from the other side that does nothing to progress the case and everything to alienate the parties from each other further."

A great article on Aggressive Lawyers can be found here:

I like the line: Good Lawyers Don't just "Try" cases; Good Lawyers Try to "Resolve" cases. 

Most important in Resolving Cases is responding in communication. When a client calls, or when an attorney calls, an answer should be forthcoming. I like to answer my own phone. I do not screen calls. My staff answers if I am in conference or on the other line, but never because "so and so" is calling!

When you need to talk, call me at 407-645-3297. You can also send an email to or visit my website at
I look forward to hearing from you! Aubrey

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