Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Judges and Counselors

One judge in my district put it this way, “I have more than 1,500 different cases. Each one expects me to remember all the details in the court file, know who is telling the truth, act fairly between them, protect their children, divide their property, make the other person follow court rulings on a daily basis, and know what is in the best interests of all involved. I have maybe 30 minutes or an hour of testimony from each of them and they expect me to know what is best. I have never even seen their home, or children. How can any Judge know what is 'Best' for this family?”
Many times an attorney is simply trying to counsel the client to accept the possibilities of Divorce. Realize there are no “winners and losers” just people trying to get on with their lives. Inevitably, clients make mention of church, God, their upbringing or spouses religious life. This is the time when I truly am able to counsel as a Christian, not simply an attorney. From my own life, I cite numerous examples of God working in and through difficult times to a more Holy result. The Bible is filled with examples of broken lives being useful to God, even when the person in question did not acknowledge the broken nature of their relations. Divorce begins as a broken relationship. Whether the break results from outside forces or interior struggles, broken relations are the status. The Court acknowledges and affirms the broken relationship and divides the property, setting a course for future relations either as parents or merely former spouses.

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Morning will come.

Morning will come.
No matter how dark the night!