Monday, April 14, 2014

Writing Makes Me Happy

Unfortunately, writing is also work! Saw this and had to add my 2 cents.

Happy People Smile More!

On Friday, I saw a night of one act plays produced by Valencia Community College.

It did not hurt that my daughter was the star of the final act. The plays were Hilarious, Dramatic, Irreverent, Socially challenging, and most of all Creative.

13 playwrights, 29 actors, 16 directors, and one professor used "Resentment Falls" as the theme for the evening. Some chose dramatic interpretations of human interaction where one party's resentment eventually changed to respect, love, or something else. Others used the phrase 'resentment falls' within the dialogue. One referred to a fictional river leading to it; another used an onstage film crew. Tow used painters depicting the beginning and end of different relationships to milk the drama; two used Facebook  or Twitter to hold distant conversations onstage.

In my most humble opinion, the most creative piece was a horserace between Pride, Anger, Serenity, Confusion, Resentment, Worry, and bringing up the rear, Flatulence. Of course after Resentment falls, taking out Pride and Anger, Serenity wins the day over the others.

My favorite however, was 'Assisted Living'. This play introduced the Resentment Falls Retirement Community, where all your disgruntled relatives can live to their hearts' contentment. Of course grumpy old men complain about everything and Resentment Falls promises to give them much about which to complain. I wanted to purchase the script for our Elder Law Section meeting! Instead, I have asked the director to bring his actors to our annual seminar to perform for 50 lawyers who work hard daily helping elders negotiate the end of life.

Unhappy people have many things in common, laughing at their situation is not one! I hope you can laugh about this blog; at least the work today was fun. Aubrey

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