Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How to Contact an Attorney

Today I received an Email:
How would you like to be contacted?

Brief description of your legal issue:
Price range for divorce. Older couple, married 9 years, No children, Income husb works in construction wife receiving SS only. Homeowner, property value is upside down. owe more that is worth. No 401K or savings, living pay check to paycheck. How much will it cost to get a divorce and how long will it take for the divorce to become final. Thanks,

This email was initiated at the Findlaw FirmSite http://www.aubreylaw.com/Contact.shtml.

This is the letter I sent in response:

Dear Ms. _____________,

If you and your husband agree to divorce, and agree to divide all assets, your divorce could be very inexpensive. With agreements, you could be divorce in as little as 21 days. On the other hand, if you cannot agree, and the two of you fight it out in court, your divorce could take a very long time and take significantly more of your resources to complete.

I charge $1,500 for an Uncontested Divorce. A Contested matter begins at $3,000. Fees for filing are also required, $408 filing fee and approximately $42 in service of process charges.

Your divorce sounds as if it should be uncontested; it could also be completed in a Collaborative PRocess, where the two of you meet with advisers and work out the details, then file as "Uncontested."  If you choose a collaborative process, I would represent you for $1,500, but there may be some additional charges for excess time spent in meetings.

Please call my office to schedule an appointment.
If you have questions, call me at 407-645-3297, or send an email to: aubrey@aubreylaw.com
Aubrey Ducker
The Law Offices of
Aubrey Harry Ducker, Jr. PLC
2020 Mizell Avenue
Winter Park, FL  32792
Fla. Bar No.: 173680
Phone: 407-645-3297
Fax: 407-645-3298

I look forward to hearing from you.

1 comment:

  1. This email was initiated at legal help the Findlaw FirmSite http://www.aubreylaw.com/Contact.shtml.


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Morning will come.
No matter how dark the night!