Thursday, August 22, 2013

Adultery, Blasphemy, Christians and Divorce

A, B, C, D, E, F, G . . . elemenope . . . If only Life were as simple!

A client came to my office recently and told me that her "Christian" mother had called her an Adulterer and kicked her out of the house. We filed her divorce several weeks ago and she was living with her mother following domestic violence in her marital home. Unfortunately, her mother feels she should simply endure the violence because "what God hath brought together, let no man put asunder," to quote the traditional wedding vows blessing.

Blasphemy is defined as either an untruth or taking god's name in vane. I consider using "Christian" language in decidedly unchristian manner as a form of Blasphemy. Obviously her mother was referring to Matthew 5:31, 32 (It was said, 'Whoever sends his wife away, let him give her a certificate of divorce'; but I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except for the reason of unchastity, makes her commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.)When someone says, "I want a Christian Attorney." I usually reply, "No you do not." or "I don't think you do." If you wanted a Christian Attorney, you would settle with your adversary far from the courthouse as Jesus himself instructed in other verses in Matthew. "If anyone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two." You can do your own research at

Christians sometimes tend to view Jesus' words as being important. They are, but must be placed in context of the Roman Empire and the Province of Judea where Jesus lived and taught. Roman law allowed a man to put away his wife by divorce for any reason. Women had no such right to seek a divorce as they were mere chattel to be bought or sold by their fathers. Men could divorce their wives, but women could not, even for domestic violence, adultery, neglect, abandonment, etc. Since Women were tied to their father, husband, or son, they were destitute without such patriarchal support.

Divorce has been around for more than 3,000 years, but a Woman's Right to sue for divorce is quite new. Today in Florida, the only reason needed for a marriage is "the Marriage is Irretrievably Broken." When a spouse physically abuses and violates his or her "true love" how can the marriage survive?

Every now and then I see a story in the news that makes me want to help. Some friends have put together a seminar on Domestic Violence. Associated Baptist Press reporter Bob Allen writes: American Baptist Women’s Ministries will lead an online “virtual mission encounter” on the topic of domestic violence Sept. 23-27.
“Garlands instead of Ashes: Domestic Violence” is the third of four learning opportunities in 2013 allowing women to meet online and share their passion for mission without the expense of travel and having to take time off work.
No person should be forced to live with an abuser, and especially not for "Christian reasons."
If Domestic Violence is a part of your life and you want it to stop, call me at 407-645-3297. I may be able to help, even if I don't like the phrase "Christian Attorney." You can also visit my website at for more information and links regarding Divorce, Child Support, Alimony, Equitable Distribution, and many other topics. I am an Attorney, licensed in Florida, practicing in the areas of Collaborative Divorce, Elder Law, Family Law, and Guardianships. I have helped numerous husbands and wives seek a fresh start.

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