Monday, January 6, 2014

This came in my email today:

Hello!  My name is Jan Killilea
Please LIKE our Facebook page:
First Wives Advocacy Group

Here is what you can do TODAY:
1. LIKE our Facebook page: First Wives Advocacy Group, which is run by women just like me. We VALUE your privacy just as we value our own. We will NEVER disclose your name without your permission. You don't have to be a first wife, divorced or even a woman to lend your support; you just have to care that WOMEN are treated FAIRLY by our State Legislature.
2. FORWARD this email to your friends and family and ask them to JOIN you in supporting our fight to have women's contributions VALUED.
3. And stay tuned!
From Corporate LIFE to Corporate WIFE
I live in Florida, am 54 years old and went from corporate life to corporate wife 30 years ago. When I met my ex-husband, we both earned about the same salary.  He was an insurance adjuster and I was an account executive in San Francisco, CA.  We fell in love, got married in Reno, Nevada for $25 and moved to Massachusetts to raise a family.  TOGETHER we decided to become a one-career family and that my corporate, paying career would end.
We wanted to raise our children in a traditional marriage just as our parents had done.  This took sacrifice and hard work as a team!  His career started to take off and I gave birth to our first child in 1984, our second in 1986 and our last in 1988.  While he traveled extensively, I stayed home to manage our young and growing family. My ex-husband's growing career led us to nine corporate relocations, with our final move to Florida in 2005.
During our relocation to Florida in 2005 my ex-husband had an extra-marital affair with our real estate agent. After attempting to save my marriage for over a year, I finally filed for divorce. My ex-husband married this woman (who was 12 years younger than me) two weeks after our divorce was final. They divorced 23 months later.  We would have celebrated our 31st wedding anniversary in January, 2014.
I am now 54 years old, struggling to find a job and my ex owes me over $100,000.00. He dissipated marital assets during our divorce and still owes me a net balancing payment from our retirement account which he spent on his new home in San Juan Capistrano, CA.  He recently bought a ski house in Carson City, NV for $140,000.00 CASH. In the meantime, "Florida Alimony Reform" repeatedly slanders me, cyber stalks and bullies me and invades my personal life. THIS MUST STOP.  
Thanks to Gov. Rick Scott's May 1, 2013 VETO, Florida's alimony and child custody laws remain intact. But this won't stop men like my ex-husband and the men and new girlfriends and new wives behind "Florida Alimony Reform" from trying to influence legislators to support punitive, one-sided legislation. Although I TESTIFIED before the Florida Legislature in February 2013, it wasn't enough. WE NEED YOU!

We will FIGHT for women (97% of ALL alimony recipients are women) and for families to retain the right to have a stay-at-home parent. We will FIGHT the 50-50 child custody presumption. And we will FIGHT the end of alimony at payor's retirement. WHY? Because WOMEN deserve RESPECT and our contributions to families and society must be VALUED.
Will you please STAND WITH JAN for justice and enforcement for ALL WOMEN?

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Morning will come.
No matter how dark the night!