Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Social Security Changes Coming

I received the following note from a friend who runs AGED, that is Advocates and Guardians for the Elderly and Diabled. They are a stellar organization and provide significant assistance to their clients.
Upcoming Social Security Changes

There were many changes made to Social Security which could impact your benefits in 2013. Here are a few that we think are particularly relevant. To view the full list visit Social Security's Announcement on the 2013 changes.

Cost of Living Increase
Social Security approved a 1.7% cost-of-living (COLA) increase for those receiving monthly Social Security and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), beginning December 31, 2012.
Change in Social Security Credits
As you work and pay taxes, you earn "credits" towards retirement and other benefits. In 2013, the amount of money you have to make to earn one credit increased. Now, it will take $1,160 to earn one credit, an increase of $30 from the previous year. In general, a worker needs approximately 40 credits, or 10 years of work, to be eligible for benefits.
Increase in Retirement Earnings Test Exempt Amounts
When individuals receive retirement benefits, but continue to work, there is a limit on what they can earn before they are required to give back some benefits. For 2013, for every $2 in earnings above the new limit of $15,120/year, or $1,260/month, one dollar of benefits will be withheld . It is important to note this only applies until the year the worker reaches full retirement age. For the months up to the month of the birthday, a different formula applies. In 2013, Social Security will hold back $1 in benefits for every $3 that a worker earns above $40,080.
For more information you may call me at 407-645-3297, or visit my website at To contact AGED, visit or call AGED at (407) 682-4111.

1 comment:

  1. Very updated information on social security benefits. To increase social security payment during retirement everyone can take a few tips like work at least 35 years, experience a jump in salary, wait for full retirement age (which is 67), and claim your benefits at the age of 70. I think these tips will help people to accustomed with the upcoming social security changes.


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Morning will come.
No matter how dark the night!